Now, we love writing on our new blog… but sometimes we just like to let our Sole Sisters comments speak for themselves. This photo is one our favourites…
Sheila: Great photo, my most heart felt race yet! There was so much love for each other in this race, from strangers, familiar looking people and besties, from the the first person to cross the finish, to the last ones to cross, we were all one big happy family! 

I’m so glad I could have this great finish with you Helen we put a lot of km’s in, it sure is nice to have this moment to look back at, now and in 20 years and beam at it!!!! Thank you Stacy and Sole Sisters Women’s Race Series for capturing this moment, I’ll never forget it 


Helen: Sheila so very well said! It’s was very exhilarating to run in an all women event! The race was more than just a race! It was a race to exemplify how STRONG Women are in so many ways! We toughed it out on a not so ideal weather day, we never gave up because we were there for each other! Cheering, hugging, laughing and holding hands all of which because we all have 1 common bond WE ARE WOMEN! 

Helen: The back of my shirt says it all! ” if you want to run fast run alone BUT if you want to run far run TOGETHER “

No truer words
21 Apr 2017Cannot wait to be part of this on June 10th!? My best friend and I will be running our first ever 5k and we get to do it together AND with what sounds like an amazing group of women!!! ?